Saturday, July 12, 2008


Finally, I manage to get myself here to write a sentence or two. This is my first post for this blog and it is also my first blog ever on blogspot. Not that I had never post or own a blog account before just that i had never took one seriously. Thanks to my Teaching Resources course lecturer, Pn Foziah, that I start to really look into what i can do in blogging.

Here, I hope that am able to learn more and share about blogging, teaching resources, teachnology, my experiences, thoughts and many others that I am not able to name them yet. I do hope that everyone can come have a look here and feel free to leave me a comment or related interesting links to share with others.

1 comment:

rubini86 said...

hi ter!!
i am leaving a word or two then.. things tat we have to pay for the sake of frenship..hahaha..
jus jokin.. actually it was my first time aso to get my hand messy with all these techno tings but nyway m learning like u, let's learn together, and don worry ter r 78 of us who will sure help each other..
luv ya, tc..